Every year Christians around the world gather during Holy Week to remember the final days before our Lord’s Crucifixion, and to celebrate his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Come and enter into these holy remembrances with us at New Song Church. All services (except for the Neighbourhood Palm Procession) will be live streamed.
Palm Sunday (April 2): Neighbourhood Palm Procession at 9:30 am followed by Holy Communion at 10 am
Palm Sunday recalls Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as God’s chosen King. Together we’ll celebrate our King by observing the time-honoured tradition of processing around our neighbourhood while we sing our praises and hosannas. Meet us outside the church at 9:30 am to join the procession – the circuit through our neighbourhood will take approx. 15 minutes. (The route does require us to walk up the steep hill behind our church building.) You’re welcome to attend the 10 am service without joining in the procession.
Maundy Thursday (April 6): Holy Communion with Foot Washing at 7:30 pm
On Maundy Thursday, the night of our Lord’s betrayal, we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and we observe foot washing as a sign of serving love (this year a volunteer will receive the foot washing on behalf of the congregation).
Good Friday (April 7): Solemn Service at 1 pm
On Good Friday we gather to contemplate the death of our Lord Jesus upon the Cross – the death that delivers us from the power of death. The New Song Chancel Choir will lead our music for this somber service of worship.
Easter Sunday (April 9): Holy Communion at 10 am
Christ is risen! The empty tomb tells us that death has been defeated and in Christ we have hope for eternal life.

Easter Giving
We give because God has given generously to us (John 3:16). Consider supporting the ministry of New Song Church with a special Easter offering through:
1) eTransfer to gifts@newsongportperry.ca.
2) Dropping off an envelope in the collection box at Sunday service or during office hours.
3) Posting a cheque to the church office (14460 Simcoe Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1G3).
Other giving options are available in on our Giving page.