“All things come from you, O LORD, and of your own have we given you.” – 1 Chronicles 29:14
We worship a generous God who calls us to follow him in giving willfully, cheerfully, and sacrificially (2 Corinthians 9:7). Giving to the mission of the church is the duty of all Christian people, and New Song’s mission and ministry is 100% funded by the generous gifts of those worshipping and journeying with us.
It’s a time-honoured spiritual discipline to commit to a tithe: giving perhaps 10% or more of one’s income as an act of worship. If you’re worshipping with us at New Song, consider making a commitment to give regularly and according to your means.
There are six ways to give:
1) eTransfer funds to gifts@newsongportperry.ca.
2) A Pre-Authorized Giving plan. Fill out the PAG form and drop it off at the church office or send it to us.
3) Drop off an envelope in the collection box at Sunday service or during office hours.
4) Post a cheque to the church office (14460 Simcoe Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1G3).
5) Canada Helps (please be aware that there is a 3% processing fee subtracted from each donation).
6) Leave a Legacy Gift. A significant way to support the ongoing ministry of New Song Church is to designate a portion of your financial assets as a gift to New Song Church in your will. This kind of giving may come with notable tax advantages. If you would like more information please contact your personal financial advisor or the church office.