

At New Song we believe that the Gospel isn't good advice or what God expects from us; the Gospel is the Good News of what God has done for us in Jesus.

So every Sunday we gather to hear God's Word proclaimed through Scripture reading and through faithful, biblically-sound and applicable preaching.

Check out our sermon podcast (search "New Song Port Perry" wherever fine podcasts are downloaded) and listen to some of our latest sermons on our YouTube Channel.



February 23, 2025

I Am Sending You (John 20:19-31) What is necessary for the mission on which God is sending us? In John 20 we see the risen Jesus sharing his peace with the disciples whom he is sending, transforming their fear to gladness, unforgiveness to forgiveness, and disbelief to faith. Even today Christ’s peace can transform us … Read more February 23, 2025


February 19, 2023

Behold His Glory, Be Transfigured (Matthew 17:1-9) Jesus’ everlasting glory is dazzlingly revealed at his transfiguration. But what if Jesus’ glory was more than a heavenly display for his disciples? What if Jesus’ transfiguration is a Christian’s hope of partaking in glorious transformation? Creighton Friedrich, 19 February 2023 (Transfiguration Sunday)

February 12, 2023

This Is Your Mission (Matthew 9:35-38) God doesn’t have a mission for his church, but a church for his mission. What is his mission all about? Jesus wants his disciples to understand the work, heart and mandate of our mission in his world. Creighton Friedrich, 12 Feb 2023 (World Mission Sunday)

February 5, 2023

Where Kingdom Meets World: Salt & Light (Matthew 5:13-16) How should Christians relate to the world we live in? Should we retreat from its corrupting influence? Should we assimilate its values to stay relevant? The Gospel of Jesus gives us a third, more challenging, more beautiful way: be  in the world, distinct from the world, … Read more February 5, 2023

January 15, 2023

The Resurrection of Jesus: Life is the Final Answer to Death (1 Corinthians 15) As New Song grieves the tragic loss of our founding pastor Brent Stiller, we are once again confronted with the apparent reality that death is the final answer to life. But can we dare to hope for more? The Apostle Paul … Read more January 15, 2023

January 8, 2023

A Sermon on Sermons: Why Sermons? (Luke 24:13–35) Why do preachers preach? What benefit is a sermon to a Christian? As part of a walk through our Sunday morning liturgy, Pastor Creighton offers an answer: God meets with people as Christ is proclaimed through his Word. Epiphany Sunday, 8 January 2023

January 1, 2023

So What’s the Bible’s Deal with Circumcision? Have you noticed how often circumcision is reference in the Bible? A lot, right? But why does the Bible make such a big deal out of it? What does it mean for Christians? On the commemoration of the Circumcision of our Lord Jesus (1 January), we explore a … Read more January 1, 2023

December 24, 2022

God’s Providence and the Manger (Luke 2:1-7) The Gospel offers us good news of great joy: God works providentially in the world, in our world, and even in our hardships to give his very self to us. Creighton Friedrich, 24 December 2022

December 11, 2022

How Do I Follow Jesus in Suffering? (James 5:7-18) We might not have an answer for why we suffer, but suffer we do all the same. How is it that Christian faces times of suffering? James teaches us: Christians suffer with patience, knowing that Jesus will return. And we suffer with trust, knowing that God is sufficient. Creighton Friedrich, 11 December … Read more December 11, 2022

December 4, 2022

How Can Our Church Show the Character of Christ? (Romans 15:1-13) Does the church often seem so unlike Christ its head? Paul instructs the church in Rome to show the character of Christ by bearing with  and welcoming one another. So how can New Song show forth the character of Christ today? Creighton Friedrich, 4 December 2022

November 27, 2022

Love at the Centre (Romans 13:8-14) What’s at the very centre of the Christian life? For the apostle Paul, love holds everything together: love pays a perpetual debt, love fulfills God’s law, and love wills the good of our neighbour. Creighton Friedrich, 27 November 2022

November 20, 2022

Is Christ the King of Your Life? (Colossians 1:11-20) On Christ the King Sunday we celebrate our risen and returning King Jesus. He reigns supreme over all creation and over all redemptive history, says the Apostle Paul, but does he enthroned in our lives, our endeavours, our stories? Creighton Friedrich, 20 November 2022

November 13, 2022

Lament & Hope: Death Can Give Way to Life (John 11:21-27) Does Jesus have an answer to death? Come and see the problem, the promise, and the person that answers lament with hope. Creighton Friedrich, 13 November 2022