

At New Song we believe that the Gospel isn't good advice or what God expects from us; the Gospel is the Good News of what God has done for us in Jesus.

So every Sunday we gather to hear God's Word proclaimed through Scripture reading and through faithful, biblically-sound and applicable preaching.

Check out our sermon podcast (search "New Song Port Perry" wherever fine podcasts are downloaded) and listen to some of our latest sermons on our YouTube Channel.



February 23, 2025

I Am Sending You (John 20:19-31) What is necessary for the mission on which God is sending us? In John 20 we see the risen Jesus sharing his peace with the disciples whom he is sending, transforming their fear to gladness, unforgiveness to forgiveness, and disbelief to faith. Even today Christ’s peace can transform us … Read more February 23, 2025


December 5, 2021

In the wilderness, God provides for his pilgrim people what they cannot provide for themselves: the Bread of Heaven. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 5 December 2021

November 28, 2021

Why do Christians devote themselves to the breaking of the bread? In part one of three we see Communion is a renewed Passover, a feast of deliverance through God’s provided substitute. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 28 November 2021.

November21, 2021

David’s last words point God’s people forward to a sure, beautiful, and exclusive kingdom to come where our just ruler Jesus reigns forever. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 21 November 2021 (Christ the King Sunday)

November 14, 2021

What does genuine repentance look like? David shows us that genuine repentance sees sin for what it is, takes responsibility, and humbly confesses to Almighty God. Genuine repentance cries out, “Create in me a clean heart.” The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 14 November 2021  

November 7, 2021

In a world of flimsy promises, we need a sure thing to count on. For the sake of his people, God promises David an everlasting kingdom, and neither death, nor sin, nor time can void that promise. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 7 November 2021

October 31, 2021

What makes for a godly leader? When we look at the difference between Saul and David we see that a godly leader deals with their dark side, submits to God’s revealed Word, and knows they’re accountable to God. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 31 October 2021

October 24, 2021

Slay your Goliaths, or trust the champion who will? Saving faith depends on God’s saving power, remembers his saving character, and relies on his saving promises. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 24 October 2021

October 17, 2021

After King Saul is rejected (1 Sam 15), Israel’s future seems bleak. But God works his salvation through his sovereign choice which gives us hope, is uniquely wise, and can surprise us. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 17 October 2021

October 10, 2021

The Gospel According to Samuel: Saul’s Rejection (1 Samuel 15:10-35) Saul’s failure make clear: partial obedience is wholly disobedient and rightly deserves the Lord’s rejection. Even so, full obedience relies more upon what God has done for you than what you can do for God. The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 10 October 2021

October 3, 2021

The Gospel According to Samuel: The Ways of the King (1 Samuel 8:4-22) When we as God’s people put our self-interest first, we’re not securing what we desire – we’re really rejecting the LORD. But we ought not to miss God’s wild generosity to a completely undeserving people.

September 26, 2021

The Gospel According to Samuel: Hitherto the Lord has Helped Us (1 Samuel 7:3-13) What does the help of the Lord look like? The Lord gives us his Word, glorifies his Name, remains patient for the long haul, leads us to repentance, and responds to intercession. Bishop Charlie Masters, 26 September 2021 (New Song’s Ten-Year … Read more September 26, 2021

September 19, 2021

The Gospel According to Samuel: Faith or Superstition? (1 Samuel 4:1-10) How do we relate to our sovereign God? Through superstitious arm-twisting or submitting “my will” to “thy will”? The Rev. Creighton Friedrich, 19 September 2021