

At New Song we believe that the Gospel isn't good advice or what God expects from us; the Gospel is the Good News of what God has done for us in Jesus.

So every Sunday we gather to hear God's Word proclaimed through Scripture reading and through faithful, biblically-sound and applicable preaching.

Check out our sermon podcast (search "New Song Port Perry" wherever fine podcasts are downloaded) and listen to some of our latest sermons on our YouTube Channel.



February 23, 2025

I Am Sending You (John 20:19-31) What is necessary for the mission on which God is sending us? In John 20 we see the risen Jesus sharing his peace with the disciples whom he is sending, transforming their fear to gladness, unforgiveness to forgiveness, and disbelief to faith. Even today Christ’s peace can transform us … Read more February 23, 2025


January 07, 2024

Acts: The Reality of the Gospel Makes Go & Tell Disciples (1:1-11) The story of Jesus continues in Luke’s sequel. Here the followers of Jesus who ‘Come & See‘ the reality of the Good News of Jesus, the Gospel, become ‘Go & Tell‘ Disciples. So what does it mean to bear witness to the reality … Read more January 07, 2024

December 31, 2023

Luke: The Disciple’s Heart (2:21-38) What can we learn from this passage of scripture and how can we apply it to our lives? Firstly, Jesus is confirmed as the saviour of the world. Secondly, we see examples of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Speaker: Curate Matthew Usherwood

December 24, 2023, 7pm Service

Luke: Christ is Born, We are Born Again (2:1-20) The significance of some of the greatest gifts we can receive isn’t always immediately apparent to us, is it? So what is it that makes the good news of the birth of Jesus so good? Christmas tells us: God has given us the greatest gift he … Read more December 24, 2023, 7pm Service

December 24, 2023, 10am Service

Luke: Mercy is the Mystery (1:36-56) What is the heart of worship? What moves us to magnify and rejoice? As Mary considers her God and Saviour she understands that mercy is the mystery at the heart of worship. So what do you worship? Speaker: Pastor Creighton Friedrich

December 17, 2023

Lessons & Carols: Complete Service of God’s Word & Sacred Music Lessons & Carols is a unique service of sharing and singing: we share Good News from God’s Word and then heartily respond in song. Sermon by Curate Matt Usherwood

December 10, 2023

Luke: Jesus’ Resurrection Changes Everything (24:36-49) The Good News of Jesus boils down to this: Jesus is risen from the dead. Death has begun to work backward. God’s promises have been fulfilled. And the world needs to hear this news. Jesus is risen, and this changes everything: his disciples can become a hopeful people, a … Read more December 10, 2023

December 03, 2023

Luke: The Innocent King Crucified (23:13-49) Have you ever experienced a moment of injustice in your life? The crucification narrative shows Jesus experienced immense injustice and was murdered from it. But why? The Jewish people were expecting a triumphant, dominating king, to rule the nations. But God gives them a king they never knew they … Read more December 03, 2023

November 26, 2023

Luke: The Heart of Prayer in Dire Times (Luke 22:39-46) Jesus knows his betrayal, arrest and crucifixion is immanent: “this is your hour, and the power of darkness.” In the darkest of times, Jesus commands and models prayer: its petition, purpose and power. Whatever dark times we may face in our life, there is hope to … Read more November 26, 2023

November 19, 2023

Luke: Why Would Jesus Weep? (19:28-48) Jesus’ triumphal entry in Jerusalem: crowds hail the promised king who finally enters the royal city and… he weeps? Why would Jesus weep? Jesus weeps for the lost to know the peace of the reconciler and be saved from ruin by the rescuer. Do our hearts break for what … Read more November 19, 2023

November 12, 2023

Luke: The True Elder Brother (15:11-32) Jesus now gives the famous parable of the Prodigal Son. He shows in this parable that the road of self-discovery and the road of religion lead to lostness. So how exactly can we save ourselves? We can’t, but someone else can. Speaker: Matthew Usherwood

November 05, 2023

Luke: God’s Kingdom Reverses Our Expectations (14:1, 7-24) We want God’s kingdom, but how do we get there? Surely by climbing the ladder of God’s approval, no? In Luke 14 we see that God’s Kingdom reverses our expectations: the way up is down, to have we must give, and to live we must die. Hear … Read more November 05, 2023

October 29, 2023

Luke: The Disciple’s Prayer (11:1-13) Jesus gives his disciples the framework and mindset on how to pray. But he tells them to do it shamelessly. In this sermon we will explore what exactly it means for a disciple to be shameless in prayer. Speaker: Matthew Usherwood